1. What are 5 surprising facts about you and your writing process?
A. I have to write in order. I cannot jump around in the manuscript.
B. I'm a mixture of a planner and a pantser, meaning I outline some things and flow with the others.
C. I didn't start writing novels until I was in my 30's.
D. I'm a small-town girl, so writing small-town romance makes sense to me.
E. I love writing romance. The world needs more happiness and positivity!
2. Which book was your hardest to finish writing?
The Perception was my biggest challenge for many reasons. To date, it is my worst selling book and the one I'm most proud of because I finished it despite the odds.
3. What is the most enjoyable aspect of being an author?
It's definitely talking to readers and making friends all over the globe! It's the best part of my job.
4. How did Covid affect your writing process?
Honestly, COVID itself didn't affect it too much. But, during COVID, we were dealing with the aftermath of our home burning down the December before and my mother passed away. I was impacted by those things for sure at that time.
5. What is your favorite hobby?
I love gardening and being outside. If the weather is nice, I'm digging in the dirt or going for a walk or riding my off-road vehicle. Fresh air and sunshine recharge my spirit.
6. Which character of those you have created is your favorite? Why?
This one is HARD. Cane Alexander is the hero in my first book, The Exception. He might always be my favorite. He's very, very flawed and makes mistakes, but he and I learned how to write a novel together. ;)
7. Will you do a next gen series for any of your series?
I don't plan on it at the moment. There are too many books that I want to write that aren't next gen. I'm not against writing those and I might some day, but not in the foreseeable future.
8. What is your source of inspiration for Boone and Jaxi?
Boone is me when I was growing up. There weren't massive expectations for me—or, at least I didn't feel them. I always kind of wanted them, though. I wondered what I could accomplish if I tried because I felt like I could do big things. I think that's a big part of Boone. Writing his character helped me get to know that part of myself.
Jaxi is all of us, I think. She just keeps trying to do the right thing, to do better but life keeps coming at her. She keeps going despite the circumstances and I think that's something women do without realizing it—chin down and march on.
9. What is your favorite book at the moment?
I'm reading Tangeld by Laura Pavlov right now and am loving it!
10. Who are your favorite authors?
SO MANY. I love Mandi Beck and SL Scott. I adore K Bromberg and Jana Aston. I'm a huge fangirl of Jessica Hawkins and BB Easton. KA Linde's YA Fantasy novels are divine. I will always love Gail McHugh's Collide and Pulse. There are so many great writers! It's hard to choose